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Why I write?

Updated: May 27, 2022


Why do I write? Lately, I have recently started to really put some time and make my writing a priority. I have big dreams of being on the Today show talking to Matt Lauer about my books.  So I thought since this blog was new, I should start off be explaining why I write. I always say writing is a natural part of who I am. Some interuprt that from my zodiac sign being a pisces that I should be naturally creative. Some say it is because of the people i was surrounded by growing up but I believe that writing is a part of me because God gifted me that talent. When I was a child I was definitely surrounded by creative people. My dad is a writer and has been published in our local newspaper several times. My mother has a very imaginative gift for storytelling. As a matter of fact, I hope to recreate her stories so My own children can share in the joy. My grandmother was a big encourage  to always use my imagination. So, lots of people helped fuel the fire of me becoming an aspiring writing. I believe that the mold was first broken when I was very young, and learned to read. I gravitated towards books. Even before knowing how to read they grabbed my attention. A  library day was better than a McDonald’s lunch. Which is saying quite a lot because I love me some Mickey d’s even to this day. My favorites were the Bearstain Bears books, With a second favorite being Frog and Toad.  After I had begged my mom to read the story for the fifteenth time, I would “play” like I was reading just from memory. Finally when I learned to read I discovered my passion grew deeper. I wanted to write a story to capture people, the way these books captured me. It was deeply embedded in my heart and soul. As I got older while I still enjoyed being creative and making up stories Writing became more. It became a great form of communication for me. Now keep in mind this was back in the 90s before texting and all that jazz. My father would always include a handwritten note in my lunchbox, and from that I learned writing wasn’t just for storytelling. It was a way for me to communicate my introverted emotions. Both happy and sad. I began to write notes to my parents and family. I wrote about things that bothered me, or just an I love you note. It became an outlet, because I didn’t have to keep things inside. I still continue to write letters to my love whether in encouragement, celebration, or more. It is an easier communication for me. Rather than speaking out loud I would rather put it on paper. These two reasons are the biggest reasons I write. The dreams of being published and known for my writing is a big one to. However if I never get to see my name in print, or have Matt Lauer interview me. I feel good because I am using the gift God granted me to have. I am just getting back to my journey of being a writer but these are the reasons I write. I hope in reading this you can get to know me a little bit better. Thanks for stopping by. -Jessica.


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