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A stronghold is a thought pattern that forms a fortress around the mind, holding it prisoner to faulty thinking. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:4 NIV           I have been battling some strongholds within my mind lately. Life with three kids is always busy, but when I find a moment to sit down and write I find the strongholds holding me back. Am I good enough? Am I wasting my time? Or even what to write. In the last several months I have found a fun new app called periscope. It is an app that allows people to do love videos while the audience can interact. Through this community I have found some wonderful ladies that relate to me. My periscope friends have been doing a “stay-cation” style writing retreat. I have been able to sit down in small spurts and get some writing done with the encouragement of these wonderful people. I believe the Lord put these people in my life to remind me to embrace my talent. However the stronghold still creeps in and puts the brakes on my creative flow. By seeing all of the wonderful author friends I have been able to make through the periscope app embrace there dreams and not laugh at me for mine both inspired and encouraged. We are all in different spots on the path of the writing journey. However we all have the same goals,). We all want to embrace our God given talent. Some seek to be with a huge publishing house and see their name on a beautifully designed cover. Some just write for a therapeutic outlet. The goal is still to let go of the stronghold the devil is trying to put forth. To not be held prisoner by the fortress he attempts to build. Today, I am knocking down the devils bricks one by one. Why? Because I am good enough! The Lord placed a talent within me. He found me special enough to give his son for me. He yearns for me to share my heart.

Lord, if the person reading this is struggling with the minds strongholds I ask you to relieve them from the battles within. To help them pick up the sledgehammer and knock down those bricks. I ask that you guide our hearts and embrace what you made special about us. -amen

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