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Did I Find Joy? Reflecting on a Year of Growth, Challenges, and Writing"

As a writer who dreams of touching hearts through Christian fiction and sweet romance, 2023 has been a year of significant strides and personal reflections. My guiding word for the year was "joy" – a simple yet profound concept that has shaped my journey in surprising ways.

Reading and Learning: A Foundation for Growth

This year, I delved into the worlds of 45 books, a mix of genres that not only entertained but also educated me. Each story, whether a gripping thriller or a heartwarming romance, added a layer to my understanding of storytelling. Additionally, participating in a writing course further honed my skills, instilling a sense of joy in my continuous learning journey.

Writing Projects: The Joy of Completion

One of the year's highlights was finishing a writing project that had been lingering for far too long. The sense of accomplishment in tying up its loose ends was immense. Furthermore, I penned a sweet romance duology, a testament to my growth as a writer and my passion for spreading joy through my word.

Flash Fiction Anthology Challenge: A Spark of Creativity

Participating in a Flash Fiction Anthology Challenge was exhilarating. It pushed me to think on my feet and weave stories concisely, a skill that brought a different kind of joy – the thrill of challenge and creativity.

Nurturing Friendships: The Joy of Connection

2023 was also about 'watering friendships' so they could grow. I have a new bestie who lives in Guam Y'all. Two different time zones and complete worlds but I wouldn't trade my headband wearing friend for anything. In a world where connections can be fleeting, investing time and heart into my friendships has been a source of immense joy and strength.

Parenting: The Purest Form of Joy

Lastly, the everyday chaos and love of parenting my three 'monkeys' have been both challenging and rewarding. Keeping them alive, fed, clothed, and mostly happy has been my greatest accomplishment, filled with moments of pure joy and laughter.

Conclusion: Did I Find Joy?

As I reflect on the past year, I realize that joy was not just found in the milestones and achievements. It was present in the quiet moments of writing, in the laughter of my children, in the support of family and friends, and in the challenges that pushed me to grow. Yes, I did find joy – in the journey, in the struggles, in the triumphs, and in the moments in between.

Here's to a year well-lived and the promise of new stories in 2024."

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